Monday, January 9, 2017

An Extraordinary Opportunity Awaits . . .

A statement from the American Conservative Union:

It is not often that the Senate is presented with such a clear opportunity to roll back a destructive regulatory program like Obamacare, which has not only subjugated the American healthcare system to the command and control of the federal government, but also eliminated the ability of millions of American consumers to freely choose their own health plan and doctors. As we embark on a new era of public policy, we must swiftly move beyond the failed practices of the past and boldly pass legislation that positively impacts all Americans, not just special interests and empowered government bureaucracy.

We understand that the current Obamacare Repeal Resolution under debate will likely conclude next Wednesday and be followed by a vote. Passing this resolution is the first step in using budget reconciliation to allow a vote that will strip out a massive portion of Obamacare. Removing that selection will do the following:
•         Eliminate the mandate penalties.
•         Eliminate the exchange subsidies.
•         Repeal Medicaid expansion.
•         Defund Planned Parenthood and redirect funds to Community Health Centers that do not perform abortions.
•         Eliminate new and/or higher taxes.
We believe passing the repeal resolution will be the first step in the process of eradicating the onerous regulatory overreach of the Obama Administration and allowing a platform for the conservative value of reducing the role of excessive government in our lives. Americans deserve a healthcare system that puts patients and doctors in control. The repeal of the Affordable Care Act will begin the end to big government control and restore the principles this great nation was founded on.


Dan Schneider
Executive Director, American Conservative Union

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