Sunday, January 1, 2017

And Now, 17 Big Predictions For 2017 . . .

You know how we hate making predictions.
But you keep wanting them, especially at this time of the year.
And we're just so anxious to please. We can't help it.
So, in no particular order, here they are:

1) Neither the Iggles nor the Sixers nor the Phillies will bring home a Philly championship in 2017. But the Flyers? Now, they're the ones you need to keep your eye on!

2) On Broadway, the new musical Dear Evan Hansen will sweep the awards and almost certainly win the Tony for Best Musical.

3) President Trump (don't you just love the sound of that?) will give a brief and very succinct Inaugural Address which will quickly be followed by dramatic actions that will undue most of Obama's unilateral edicts, orders, pronouncements, etc. The action will come not in a matter of days but minutes. Hold your breath!

4) Don't count New Jersey Governor Chris Christie out. The Governor will be just fine, thank you and will build a new career either as a sports commentator on an outlet like New York's WFAN sports talk station or turn his attention to political commentary as a Fox News contributor. Indeed, he may do both. And if you think he has not future in government or public affairs, you'd better think again.

5) Joe Biden (aka Uncle Joe) will write a tell-all book that will have all of Washington abuzz. In it, he will not only take swipes at Obama but he will save his best shots for what will turn out to be the book's favorite target -- Hillary Clinton. Joe will also castigate the Democrat Party for not paying enough attention to working people. Doctor, heal thyself!

6) The lanky, sort of funny looking young actor Adam Driver (who shines in Scorsese's new film, Silence) will emerge as a new screen sensation, winning more and more plaudits and attracting more offers than he can handle.

7) Three Republican senators (McCain, Graham and Collins) will become a thorn in Donald Trump's side as the new president tries to carry out his agenda. McCain is a cranky has been, Graham is McCain's pitiful mini-me and the whiney Collins is all about keeping her seat. Together, they are interminable mischief makers. Be forewarned!

8) President Trump will continue to say nice things about Putin, but don't be fooled. It will all be part of a charm offensive that is nothing more than a prelude to a classic Trump deal -- or attempt at one. Trump is all about stroking Putin until he's ready to get down to the tough business of extracting what he wants from the Russian strongman.

9) The new movie La La Land will continue to attract raves and will win the Golden Globe for Best Picture, musical or comedy. But when Oscar times rolls around, watch out for Manchester By The Sea.

10) Two certified divas (Patti LuPone and Bette Midler) will battle it out for attention on the Great White Way. Patti will bring cosmetic pioneer Helena Rubinstein to life in the new Broadway musical War Paint while Bette will recreate the iconic role of Dolly Levi in Hello, Dolly.

11) Sadly, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Cher, Barbra Streisand, Joy Behar, Lena Dunahm, Alec Baldwin, Amy Schumer, Jon Stewart, Chelsea Handler, Keegan-Michael Key, Barry Diller, Spike Lee, Amber Rose, Samuel L. Jackson, George Lopez, Whoopi Goldberg, Miley Cyrus and Katie Hopkins will not leave the country as they promised they would. Regardless, Trump will continue to serve as president.

12) When it comes to the success or failure of President Trump's legislative programs, the fate may actually rest largely with ten more moderate Democrat senators who are facing re-election in 2017 in states that Trump won. They are West Virginia’s Joe Manchin, North Dakota’s Heidi Heitkamp, Montana’s Jon Tester, Missouri’s Claire McCaskill, Indiana’s Joe Donnelly, Pennsylvania’s Bob Casey, Wisconsin’s Tammy Baldwin, Florida’s Bill Nelson, Michigan’s Debbie Stabenow and Ohio’s Sherrod Brown. If three or four or five of these break ranks and vote with Trump on some key issues, the new president will be strong and successful while appearing to be bipartisan. Expect the Trump team to work this avenue. Most vulnerable and perhaps most likely to switch: Manchin, Heitkamp, Donnelly and Tester.

13) They'll turn the clock back to 1964 when perennial Broadway favorite Hello, Dolly wins the Tony Award as Best Musical Revival.

14) The Dallas Cowboys will win the Super Bowl.

15) Donald Trump will have not one but two appointments to the United States Supreme Court during his first year in office.

16) Barack Obama will not go away. He too will write a book (yes, another one!) take to the lecture circuit and bedevil President Trump every chance he gets.

17) Finally, Donald Trump will break the traditional presidential mold at every turn. In both form and substance, Trump will be a totally new kind of president. Expect lots of surprises and learn to think of the presidency itself in new ways. He will reign havoc on the mainstream media and on beltway talking heads who will cry like the smarmy liberals they are.

Happy New Year, everybody!

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