Monday, January 2, 2017

Mummers 2017 Fancy And Comic Winners

Here are the winners in the Fancy and Comic divisions of the 2017 Philadelphia Mummers parade:

Wench Brigade Results
1) Oregon
2) Saints
3) O’Malley
4) Riverfront
5) Cara Liom
6) Americans
7) Pirates
8) Bryson
9) Froggy Carr

Wench Captain Results
1) Jimmy Paley – Oregon

Comic Division Results
1) Murray
2) Goodtimers
3) Landi

Fancy Division Results
1) Golden Sunrise

Fancy Brigade Division Results
1) South Philly Vikings
2) Golden Crown
3) Saturnalian
4) Shooting Stars
5) Satin Slippers
6) Downtowners
7) Spartans
8) Jokers
9) Avenuers
!0) 2nd Street Shooters
11) Clevemore
12) Purple Magic

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