Sunday, January 15, 2017

The Time Has Come To Get THIS Done!

“One of the principal motivations that inspired the creation of the Association of Mature American Citizens was to overturn the Affordable Care Act and return control of healthcare to we the people. The unilateral creation of Obamacare by Democrats in Congress and their ideological leader, Barack Obama, was an overt attempt to put the way Americans care for themselves firmly in the hands of Big Government and it did just that,” says AMAC president Dan Weber.

Weber adds that the senior advocacy organization has not lost sight of the goal of repealing and replacing of the Affordable Care Act and AMAC is delighted that the new Republican leadership in Washington is now in a position to do just that.

“Despite the naysayers, it can be done, as the Republican Congress proved in 2015 when it actually passed legislation to repeal the most egregious provisions of the law. Our representatives on the Hill knew that President Obama would veto the measure but the legislation gave us hope that it could be done. We are mindful that it will not be an easy process and that it may take longer than we might like to see it happen but now – under the leadership of President-elect Trump – there is real hope.”

Recently, the Conservative Action Project, an organization made up of the CEOs of over 100 organizations including AMAC, sent a clear message to lawmakers calling on Congress to deliver on the mandate the American people gave them in November to repeal Obamacare completely.

The memo reads, in part: “For the last six years, Americans have endured extraordinary hardship under Obamacare, a thousand‐page law of broken promises and failed policies. Sadly, millions of families and individuals have had their insurance plans cancelled and access to their doctors and drugs limited. And they have lacked affordable insurance options. Those Americans who are stuck with Obamacare are facing skyrocketing premiums, soaring deductibles, and shrinking health care networks. Tragically, many of our most vulnerable citizens, who were participating in safety‐net health programs long before implementation of Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion, must now wait interminably to see overwhelmed health care providers ‐‐‐ and some of those people die while they wait. It is true, of course, that some people have benefitted from the President’s law, but given the money spent, it would be extraordinary if there had been no benefit at all.”

Weber notes that the Senate, the House and Mr. Trump have put Obamacare at their top of their to-do list.

“Congress and President-elect Trump have a daunting task ahead of them, but we are confident that they will be able to overcome the many challenges they face. The Affordable Care Act is loaded with landmines, but we know where they are and with a little ingenuity they can – and they must – be disarmed. What’s at stake here is not the promises of repeal that helped the GOP regain the reigns of government; it is the future of our nation. Obamacare not only did great damage to the healthcare infrastructure of America, it put the entire economy of the country at great risk.”

Weber concludes by saying, “Despite the mistake by the Supreme Court in allowing this law- calling it a tax- the fact remains the Constitution never intended for the federal government to control our individual freedom by dictating how we may provide for our health care”.


The Association of Mature American Citizens [] is a vibrant, vital senior advocacy organization that takes its marching orders from its members. We act and speak on their behalf, protecting their interests and offering a practical insight on how to best solve the problems they face today. Live long and make a difference by joining us today at

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