Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Yes, Help For You Is Here, Now!

HELP IS WITHIN REACH -- Bringing together all the resources New Jersey has to offer people suffering from the disease of addiction or family and friends seeking to help a loved one, Governor Christie today launched a new website and a help line designed to clarify how to identify, prevent, treat and recover from substance abuse.

Nobody is alone. When you visit www.reachnj.gov, you will immediately find the help line number, 1-844-ReachNJ, be able to live chat with a resource officer and pinpoint on a map the nearest treatment facility.

These new resources fulfill Governor Christie’s promise to treat substance abuse as a disease, not a moral failing, making it as easy as possible for those tormented by this disease to find the help they so desperately need.

The website and help line will enhance public awareness regarding treatment options, provide insurance guidance, identify locations of state licensed rehabilitation facilities for children and adults, and share information on employment support programs for those in recovery. There is an abundance of information on everything from how parents can talk to children about substance abuse to a list of locations to drop off unneeded prescription drugs that, if left in the home, might fall into the wrong hands and lead to addiction.

Addiction help is now within reach. Every life is precious and deserving of being saved.

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