Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Yes, You Need To Know These Facts!

Here is a very special message from CatholicVote.org:

Can you help spread some facts?

Congress is working right now to schedule a vote on a bill that will include ending taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood. In a press conference last week, Speaker Paul Ryan told reporters it is coming...

Predictably, Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards and others raced to the media to warn of health care Armageddon for women. Appearing over the weekend on national television, they repeatedly lied about the threat to women and about the services they provide (Planned Parenthood does not provide mammograms, for example).

But the media refuse to report the facts.

For example, did you know:
  • There are 9,000+ health centers where low-income women can get health care apart from Planned Parenthood (PP has 700 clinics nationwide). 
  • Planned Parenthood performs 175 abortions for every adoption referral.
  • Planned Parenthood affiliates agreed to a $4 million settlement for Medicaid fraud.Do you know these facts? Do your friends? 

That's why we have to get the message out.

Above, see some easy-to-share graphics for you to share on Facebook. Please share them. And tell everyone you know to spread them around.

You can find all four of these graphics on the front page of CatholicVote.org or from our Facebook album.

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