Thursday, February 2, 2017

Don't Lose This Battle: Act NOW For Children!

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Here is a VERY IMPORTANT message from

Betsy DeVos needs our help.

Mrs. DeVos is President Trump’s nominee for Secretary of Education. Her confirmation vote is scheduled for Monday -- and is now hanging by 1 or 2 votes.

Two Republican Senators (Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska) have decided to vote against her confirmation. And you guessed it... both of these Senators received campaign contributions from the teachers unions. Imagine that.

That means Monday’s confirmation vote could be 50-50, requiring Vice President Mike Pence to break a tie (remember the Constitution allows the Vice President to cast a tiebreaking vote in the Senate).

Opponents of school choice know they just need just one more Republican and they will sink her nomination. Make no mistake: If that happens, it’ll be heralded as a major defeat for the burgeoning school choice movement -- which Betsy DeVos has courageously help lead.

Don’t doubt for a minute that your phone call might make a difference.

Just a few days ago, Senator Murkowski admitted it was phone calls from people in her state that convinced her to vote against DeVos.

Anyone concerned about empowering families and expanding educational opportunities for children need to step up and make their voices heard now.

The following Senators in these four states have expressed concern over DeVos. They need to hear from us now -- especially if you live in Kansas, Nebraska, Nevada, or West Virginia, please call your Senator now:

Sen. Jerry Moran
DC Number: 202-224-6521
Kansas Number: 316-631-1410

Sen. Deb Fischer
DC: 202-224-6551
Nebraska: 402-441-4600

Sen. Dean Heller
DC: 202-224-6244
Nevada: 702-388-6605

Sen. Shelly Moore Capito
DC Number: 202-224-6472
West Virginia: 304-347-5372

Your state not on this list?

You can still contact your Senators by calling the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121.

Please forward this message to your friends and family. We can’t afford to lose this one.

Our kids deserve it.
Brian Burch

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