Wednesday, February 22, 2017

He Wants An Apology And He Wants It NOW!

This special report from our friends at Save Jersey:
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker (R) weighed in on the 2017 New Jersey Governor’s Race on Tuesday, Save Jerseyans, in the wake of Save Jersey post by our own Matt Rooney featuring a video in which presumptive Democrat nominee Phil Murphy compared President Donald Trump’s election to the rise of Hitler.
“Phil Murphy’s comparison of our president to an authoritarian tyrant responsible for the deaths of millions is shameful,” said RGA Chairman Governor Scott Walker. “Murphy’s absurd statement raises serious questions about his judgment and ability to lead, and proves that he is too extreme to represent the people of New Jersey. Murphy should immediately apologize for this offensive and despicable remark.”
Murphy’s remarks were made back on November 20th in Montclair at a rally organized by New Jersey progressives.
You can view the full post and video here.

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