Monday, February 13, 2017

They Were 'Begging For Relief' - It Didn't Matter!

An effort by New Jersey State Senator Kip Bateman (R-16) to have the New Jersey Senate vote on comprehensive affordable housing reform legislation was blocked by the majority Senate Democrats.
New Jersey Senate Democrats blocked the Senate’s consideration of Sen. Kip Bateman’s comprehensive affordable housing reform legislation (S-2216) in a party-line 22-16 vote. (
Bateman’s action follows a recent ruling by the New Jersey Supreme Court on affordable housing which ensures continued confusion and expensive litigation for municipalities.

“Towns across the state were begging for legislative relief to clarify the state’s incoherent affordable housing policy before the recent Supreme Court ruling, and those pleas have only increased since the decision was released,” said Bateman. “I am saddened that the Senate Democratic majority refuses to consider the passage of reform legislation that would prevent unnecessary litigation for towns and protect residents from higher property tax bills.”

Bateman sponsors S-2216, which would allow towns to administer their own affordable housing obligations, giving every municipality the flexibility and autonomy to make their own decisions.

His effort to make S-2216 the “Order of the Day” in the Senate, which would allow a vote to advance the bill, was immediately blocked by Senate Democrats.

“The Supreme Court left the door open for the Legislature to enact a new affordable housing scheme,” added Bateman. “Unless the Legislature accepts that invitation and takes action to adopt a coherent and sensible affordable housing policy, the impact on property taxes, open space and the environment could be devastating for many towns. The Senate’s continued inaction is inexcusable.”

Bateman’s action coincides with other efforts by Senate Republicans to push the New Jersey Senate to act on issues of importance to the people of New Jersey.

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