Thursday, March 23, 2017

A Champion For Those Who Need It Most!

New Jersey State Senator Jennifer Beck (R-Monmouth) was today recognized by the New Jersey chapter of Moms Demand Action for her efforts to expand domestic violence protections under State law. Beck was a prime sponsor of a law inspired by Gabby Giffords to prevent domestic abusers from committing acts of gun violence.
Sen. Jennifer Beck was on March 23 recognized by Moms Demand Action for her support of S-2483 expanding protections for victims of domestic violence. Pictured: Beck testifies in support of her Sexual Assault Survivors Act at a committee hearing on the Act in Trenton, New Jersey. (SenateNJ)

“Enacting this landmark bill was an incredibly important effort, and a proud moment in my career,” Senator Beck said. “As a former Rape Crisis Advocate and a proponent of women’s rights I was happy to sponsor this legislation. I am hopeful that this law will significantly enhance protections for victims of domestic violence.”

Signed into law in January 2017, S-2483 restricts access to firearms by certain persons subject to restraining orders or convicted of domestic violence offenses and provides a clear and supervised process for the immediate surrender of firearms.

The New Jersey Chapter of Moms Demand Action on Thursday, March 23, held an event at the Statehouse honoring Senator Beck and her fellow sponsors for their efforts to enact S-2483.

“Community advocates, and the inspirational source behind our law, Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, are essential to winning the fight to improve protections for victims,” Senator Beck added. “I am grateful for the recognition I have received from this organization. I will continue to fight for laws that protect and support survivors of domestic violence.”

“We are here to thank the legislators that support bill and let them know we’re here for them to support them,” Theresa Turner, a member of the New Jersey chapter of Moms Demand Action, said at the event. “This is the most people we’ve ever had in attendance.”

Senator Beck is a longstanding advocate for women and all survivors of domestic and sexual violence. In January, Governor Christie also signed a law sponsored by Senator Beck to protect a greater number of victims under the “Sexual Assault Survivor Protection Act of 2015,” which she pioneered. For more information on these efforts, click here.

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