Saturday, March 4, 2017

'A Real Opportunity . . . A Strong Voice For Us!'

Yesterday, Chairman Val DiGiorgio released the following statement after the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that there will be no Democratic candidate on the ballot for the 197th House District special election to be held on March 21, 2017:

“This special election in the heavily Latino 197th District is a real opportunity for the House Republican Caucus to increase their majority. I applaud the Philadelphia GOP and House Republican Campaign Committee for their recruitment of an impressive candidate — Lucinda Little — who has the character we look for in elected officials. Lucinda will be a strong voice in Harrisburg as we expand our Party into areas that traditionally have had Democratic representation. The Republican Party is committed to reaching out to our Latino communities because we believe our Party offers better ideas for strengthening families and improving economic mobility.

Rep. Martina White's Philadelphia district is a great example of GOP success despite a major voter registration disadvantage. Another good example is Chester County's 74th District. We sent Rep. Harry Lewis to the State House from a heavily Democratic district in 2014 and he won re-election in 2016 — our GOP message of economic empowerment and opportunity resonates throughout Pennsylvania even in heavily Democratic districts."

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