Thursday, March 9, 2017

Keep An Eye On Him; This Could Be VERY Big!

Comedian, actor and radio talker Joe Piscopo has reportedly summoned key political strategists to his Hunterdon County (NJ) home to talk about a possible race for Governor of the Garden State. 
Is it too late for Piscopo (who's been toying with the idea of running) to actually throw his hat into the ring for the November race? Some say "yes," because jockeying and endorsements ahead of the June primary are already well underway and the state's party bosses (in individual counties) are rapidly taking sides among announced contenders.
But others say "no" because in a Trumpian world (even in New Joizee, hon) the old rules no longer apply -- AND all the fighting within both parties ultimately means nothing to Piscopo who now says he plans to run not as a D or an R but as an independent.

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