Monday, March 27, 2017

You Might Be Surprised By The Evidence . . .

The School of Theological Studies at Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary previously announced the 2016-2017 Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary Lecture Series.

This series encompasses the Archbishop’s Lecture Series, the Theology Lecture Series, the Philosophy Lecture Series, and the Cardinal Foley Lecture Series. It is an opportunity to come to a deeper understanding of the Catholic faith, its authentic content, and its orientation toward the transformation of the world around us.

All lectures are free, open to the public, and take place at

Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary
Vianney Hall Auditorium
100 East Wynnewood Road
Wynnewood, PA 19096 (Montgomery County)

Monday, March 27, 2017
Presenter: Father Robert Spitzer
Topic: The Evidence for God from Contemporary Science –
Extending the Legacy of Monsignor George LemaƮtre
Time: 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

About the Lecture
Popular media suggests that science and philosophy have difficulty providing evidence from creation for the existence of a creator God. However, developments in physical cosmology indicate the existence of a transcendent cause of creation. These advances even offer a glimpse into the nature of that cause. Father Robert Spitzer will discuss evidence for the existence of a transcendent creator and the implications for humanity and our universe.

Background on Presenter
Father Spitzer, a Jesuit priest, is President of the Magis and Spitzer Centers. The Magis Center produces materials showing the relationship of faith and reason, and provides rational responses to false, secular myths. The Spitzer Center produces facilitated curricula to strengthen culture, faith, and spirit in Catholic organizations as well as nonprofit and for-profit organizations.
Father Spitzer was President of Gonzaga University (1998-2009). He hosts “Father Spitzer’s Universe" on EWTN and has been a guest on numerous television and radio programs.

Additional upcoming programs include:
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
John Cardinal Foley Symposium

Note: For additional information on this lecture series or to RSVP, please contact Father John Ames, Dean of the School of Theology Studies at or visit

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