Monday, April 10, 2017

A Very Worthy Honor For A Great American!

Anybody who follows this blog knows that we've long been fans of Peggy Noonan.
We've literally been singing her praises for decades.
Her two books on the Reagan era (What I Saw At The Revolution and When Character Was King) have long been favorites of ours. They're now classics. And, we used one of her books (On Speaking Well) as a textbook in our corporate communication classes at Penn State University. We even carry a quote from Peggy on the home page of this blog.
Peggy Noonan's commentary is not only insightful and thought provoking but her writing is also elegant -- something all too rare these days. She writes with a finely honed style that pays an almost imperceptible attention to detail and the many nuances in everyday life that eventually make for big differences (aka trends).
There have been times when we've marveled at her written observations to the point where we've wanted to commit them to memory.
She has the knowing eye of a keen observer and she often finds herself ahead of the curve.
Above all, she never forgets her roots. She may write for the Wall Street Journal but she rarely strays far from Main Street. She understands America and Americans -- not just who we once were but who we are now and where we hope to be tomorrow. She's never been seduced by the inside-the-beltway crowd or the mavens of Manhattan who would presume to determine our destiny from on high.
Now, Peggy Noonan has won the Pulitzer Prize!
Yes -- The. Pulitizer. Prize.
It's extraordinarily well-deserved.
And probably overdue as well. But that's OK.
Of course, none of this will change Peggy. She knows who she is and what she's all about. Morally astute and extraordinarily well-grounded, she exudes professionalism without pretense. And we love her for it.
Here's to thousands and thousands and thousands of more words!
Congratulations, Peggy!

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