Friday, April 28, 2017

In The Footsteps Of An Esteemed American Giant!

We are traveling through California's gorgeous central coast and central valley and today we had the chance to visit the National Steinbeck Center in John Steinbeck's hometown of Salinas, set amidst the picturesque valley that this Pulitzer and Nobel Prize winning author used as the setting for so many of his novels, short stories, screenplays and plays.
The National Steinbeck Center is a museum and 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that honors Steinbeck and perpetuates his legacy. The National Steinbeck Center houses a variety of artifacts, first edition Steinbeck books, newspapers, and interviews pertaining to John Steinbeck in its archives.
In addition, the Center holds a variety of educational and public programs throughout the year which aim to expand the public’s knowledge about John Steinbeck and the themes he explored in his books.
Drawing from the works of John Steinbeck, the National Steinbeck Center is dedicated to Steinbeck’s creative legacy: to participate, to inspire, to educate, and to understand one another.
Two blocks from the center you can also visit Steinbeck's birthplace (second photo from top) and you can also walk along the classic main street of Salinas.
We hope you enjoy the photos from this memorable visit!

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