Friday, April 7, 2017

'On The Front Lines' For Those Who Need It Most!

Governor Christie: 
Let me again thank the folks from 2-1-1, and the fact that they’re manning these phones at REACHNJ is an enormous service to the people of our state. You know, Gina was nice enough to say that I’m helping to save lives – I hope that’s true. 
But what I can also tell you is that the people on these phones are the ones who are really on the front lines. They’re the ones who are giving the information that is needed, they’re the ones who are directing people in the right way. They’re the ones who are you know, putting them on that path to hope. 
Now, what they do once they get on the path to hope is up to them. We can only provide them with those opportunities, and a little bit more than gentle nudge maybe towards it, but after that, it’s the accomplishment of the person along with the team that’s helping to treat them that is going to make the difference in all this. But if people don’t know where to go for help when they need it, they can’t even begin that journey. So, for both the Commissioner of Human Services and the Commissioner of Health, thank you for your participation in helping to make this happen. 
All the other people on my team who are doing this, there’s a lot of people working on it, and I appreciate their help as well. And finally and most importantly, to Vanessa and James, who I played the ads last night for Mary Pat, both the TV and the radio ads, and she wanted me to pass on to both of you how emotional she was about it and how overwhelmed she was by your willingness to so candidly and openly share your stories. 
So, I pass on, not only from me on behalf of the people of the State, but from my wife how moved she was by what you were willing to do and how important this is to us and our family that other families have the opportunity to be able to get the help that they need. 
And you all, are going to be exactly Vanessa what you told the President you wanted to be was a beacon of hope for people and that’s an incredible gift.

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