Thursday, April 13, 2017

The Record Shows, He Took The Blows And . . .

Governor McGreevey: So I just want the Governor to know that our belt is nowhere near as nice as Mike’s belt because we have to, you know, use charity, exactly, budget. So this is on behalf of John, do you want to read this?

John Koufos: Thank you. Governor Christie, on behalf of the New Jersey Re-entry Corporation you are the World-Class Re-entry Champion of the world. Thank you, thank you Governor.

Governor McGreevey: And now we’re going to have Iron Mike present a real belt.

Mike Tyson: Yes, Governor Christie, I would like to present to you the world heavyweight championship belt which you do deserve. You took the punches, trust me, you deserve it.

Governor McGreevey: And look at this beautiful belt, World Boxing Association champion, unbelievable.

Senator Sandra Cunningham: It’s gorgeous.

Governor McGreevey: Can we have a round of applause for the Governor?

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