Saturday, April 1, 2017

We Stand With Our Valued Ally, And ALWAYS Will!

Statement by Vice President Mike Pence:

"This week, I had the high honor of administering the Oath of Office to the 20th United States Ambassador to Israel – David Friedman. An unabashed advocate for a stronger Israel-America relationship, Ambassador Friedman will help ensure that the United States is a faithful friend to the Jewish state of Israel.

"President Trump and I stand with Israel for the same reason every freedom-loving American stands with Israel – because her cause is our cause, her values are our values, and her fight is our fight.

"I’ve seen firsthand the President’s deep affection for Israel and all who cherish her. The morning after the election, I was in the room when Prime Minister Netanyahu called to congratulate the President on his great victory. I heard President Trump express his unwavering support for Israel and the Jewish people – support he reiterated last month, when he welcomed the Prime Minister to the White House to reaffirm the enduring bond between our nations and our peoples.

"And this week, I had the privilege of addressing the American Israel Public Affairs Committee Policy Conference, the largest and most influential gathering of the friends of Israel in the United States. I shared with confidence that President Trump and I stand without apology for Israel.

"At this critical time for our two nations and our peoples, the challenges we face are many, but our resolve to overcome them has never been stronger.

"Under President Trump’s leadership, I know the immutable relationship between our people and the people of Israel will become even stronger still."

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