Thursday, April 20, 2017

You Can Help Right Now, IF You Want To!

A special message from the President of the United States:

Liberal Democrats are spending millions of dollars trying to steal a Congressional seat from Republicans in Georgia.

They're fighting to defeat a strong conservative who wants to continue to advance our America First agenda across the country.

Now that we have a Republican nominee, Democrats will stop at nothing to tear down Karen Handel in Georgia.

We must unite and fight back, Daniel.

Please, make an emergency contribution RIGHT NOW to support Karen Handel in the Georgia special election.

Contribute $250 Immediately >>>

Contribute $100 Immediately >>>

Contribute $50 Immediately >>>

Contribute $25 Immediately >>>

Or contribute another amount by following this link.

Karen Handel is running against liberal Jon Ossoff. Ossoff is funded by Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, who desperately want to land a blow against my presidency.

She is fighting a liberal Democrat who is weak on crime, weak on illegal immigration and wants to raise your taxes.

Initial polls show that the race is neck-and-neck. I hope you can step up right now to support Karen.

Donald J. Trump
President of the United States

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