Thursday, May 18, 2017

An Affiliation To Enhance BOTH Institutions . . .

"In May 2016, the Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary Board of Trustees recommended, and Archbishop Charles J. Chaput accepted, a recommendation that the seminary explore the possibility of a feasible plan to affiliate the seminary with a local Catholic college or university. The board asked that this first step in the study process be completed in one year.

"Today, after an exhaustive and thorough process, Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary and Neumann University are pleased to announce that they have entered into an exclusive feasibility study. While this agreement does not presuppose that the seminary will definitely affiliate with Neumann, it does allow both institutions’ academic leaders and others to meet openly and to discuss how such an affiliation agreement may work to benefit both institutions."

-Most Reverend Timothy C. Senior, Rector, Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary
Dr. Rosalie M. Mirenda, President, Neumann University

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