Wednesday, May 3, 2017

The Harassment Will NOT Be Tolerated!

Here is an important message from Pennsylvania GOP gubernatorial candidate Scott Walker:

Yesterday a tracker, from a Washington D.C. liberal special interest group funded by dark money and supporting Tom Wolf, lied and trespassed on private property for a speech that I was giving in my role as a Senator. Instead of leaving when he was asked the tracker continued to harass me and the people at the event, and finally I assisted in removing his camera. There are times when there is no choice but to stand up and confront the cheater in the room.

I requested that club management call local police to assist in removing the trespasser from the premises.

Let me be crystal clear – Tom Wolf is not going to intimidate me during this campaign. I welcome his attacks and the attacks of the liberal special interests. We need a Governor who is strong enough to stand up for the people of Pennsylvania – and I can assure you that no one will be stronger than me when it comes to putting the everyday lives of Pennsylvania families first.

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