Friday, June 16, 2017

Absolutely 'Illicit And Outrageous Commentary'

Reprinted with permission from our friends at The Save Jersey Blog:
A veteran North Jersey Democratic consultant is coming under heavy criticism this evening, Save Jerseyans, after tweeting provocative hashtags in the wake of the Wednesday shooting of Rep. Steve Scalise in Alexandria Virginia.
“We are in a war with selfish, foolish & narcissistic rich people. Why is it a shock when things turn violent?” James Devine opined on social media, adding the hashtag “#HuntRepublicanCongressmen.”
Devine employed the hashtag #HuntRepublicans in separate tweet:
Devine’s website claims three decades of Democrat operative work for candidates locales including Carteret, Perth Amboy, Rahway and Hillside.
Paul DiGaetano, a former N.J. Assembly Majority Leader and Chairman of the Bergen County Republican Party, issued a statement to New Jersey media condemning Devine’s “illicit and outrageous commentary.”
“The delusions of anyone who believes it is a constitutional right to murder, or attempt to murder elected officials, their staff, or the police who protect them, should have no role in NJ politics or government,” DiGaetano said.
According to the popular Bayshore-based news website MoreMonmouthMusings, Devine also took to Facebook and expressed “little sympathy” for Scalise due to his opposition to gun control.
When reached for comment by regional publications including The Asbury Park Press, the Democrat operative apparently didn’t back down from his incendiary and offensive tweets.
“It is insensitive and I don’t care. You want me to be politically correct? I don’t have time for that anymore,” Devine told NJ 101.5.
Rep. Scalise remained in critical condition on Thursday due to extensive bleeding and organ damage caused by a shot to his hip; the shooter, who is now deceased, was a far-left extremist and supporter of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders.

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