Thursday, June 15, 2017

Assuming A National Role, Making A Big Difference!

Governor Christie on the National Drug Commission: 
We’ll be having an open public commission meeting at the White House on Friday, and we’ll have an interim report probably within the next three weeks. 
So we’ll have some more detail to give you in the next three weeks but the White House has been incredibly supportive of the work that we’re doing, and we have been working predominantly with the nonprofit community and states to find out what they’re doing in their individual areas that are successful so that we could hopefully, so that we can hopefully replicate it on a national level. 
Secondly, we’re working with states to see what federal impediments are there for them being able to get the work done that they need to get done, to help get people treatment and to work together to try to lower the level of opiate addiction in the country.

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