Tuesday, June 20, 2017

'Irresponsible Management' And Half-Cocked Schemes

Pennsylvania State Senator and Gubernatorial candidate Scott Wagner (R-28) today denounced Governor Wolf for his irresponsible management of Pennsylvania’s finances and for signing a pension bill with which credit rating agencies are now taking issue.

“The first two years that Governor Wolf was in office, he advocated for billions of dollars in new taxes because he didn’t want to do the hard work of addressing the issues that are driving costs skyward,” Wagner explained. “Now that Governor Wolf is concerned about getting re-elected, he’s taken tax increases off the table, but he’s still not addressing the cost drivers. Governor Wolf can’t have it both ways. Pennsylvania state government is in dire need of a leader, and Governor Wolf has been a complete failure.”

Wagner pointed to recent comments made by two global credit rating agencies expressing concern about the Commonwealth’s financial solvency in light of the recently-passed SB 1, legislation that advocates are touting as “pension reform.”

“I voted “no” on SB 1 because I knew it was a half-measure, and credit rating agencies are now proving me right,” Senator Wagner continued. “The General Assembly passed real pension reform in 2015, and Governor Wolf vetoed it. Now he’s trying to save his political future, but he’s failing – just he has failed time and again as Governor. It is time for Pennsylvania to elect a proven leader so that we can get our finances in order.”

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