Thursday, June 1, 2017

It's Great And It's FREE - THESE DAYS ONLY!

Here's some very good news from the National Museum of American Jewish History in Philadelphia:

Enjoy FREE ADMISSION from 10 am to 5 pm on select days during the run of 1917: How One Year Changed the World. Remaining free days include:

  •  Friday, June 2: Free First Friday - Tomorrow!
  • Wednesday, June 14: Ringing of the Liberty Bell on this day in 1917 to encourage the purchasing of war bonds
  • Wednesday, June 28: Signing of the Treaty of Versailles on this day in 1919
  • Friday, July 7: Free First Friday
As always, the Museum will also be FREE on Tuesday, July 4 in celebration of Independence Day. 

Additionally on Thursdays and Fridays beginning June 15 through August 11 from 1:30pm till 3:30pm, a costumed interpreter of Rebecca Franks will be present at NMAJH on the 1st and 4th floors to interact with visitors. Presented in partnership with Historic Philadelphia, Inc. 

For more information on how these dates connect to the themes of 1917, please click here and come to see the exhibition for yourself!

1917: How One Year Changed the World is co-organized by the National Museum of American Jewish History in Philadelphia and the American Jewish Historical Society (AJHS) in New York and has been made possible in part by a major grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities: Exploring the human endeavor. Major support is provided by: Anonymous, David Berg Foundation, and Tawani Foundation. Additional Support provided by: Linda and Michael Jesselson; Bryna and Joshua Landes. Image: Jacob Lavin (center) with group of American Expeditionary Forces in France. Gift of Marilyn Lavin Tarr.

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