Friday, June 9, 2017

Without Faith That Begins HERE, All Is Lost!

Here is a very special message from The Cardinal Newman Society:

We’ve said it many times: faithful Catholic education is a solution to so many problems facing the Church today.

Now a prominent Cardinal – one of those who joined Cardinal Raymond Burke in asking Pope Francis to clarify ambiguous statements in Amoris Laetitia – has declared that Catholic education is necessary to protect life, marriage, and family.

Cardinal Caffarra should know. He was founding president of the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and the Family.

Read about this and more, including the new president of a Newman Guidecollege and Fordham University’s embrace of a group that promotes physician-assisted suicide, in Matt Archbold’s Report Card column this week.

May God bless you for all you do to advance faithful Catholic education!

 In Christ,

 Patrick Reilly

P.S. If you live in the Northwest and know anyone who might be interested in learning more about the faithful Catholic colleges in The Newman Guide, there will be a Catholic College Fair this weekend before and after all Masses at St. Thomas More Parish in Lynnwood, Washington. For information, contact

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