Sunday, June 4, 2017

You Can Have An Impact, IF You Act NOW!

If you still need more evidence of the lunacy of the Left, you need look no further than Cherry Hill, New Jersey -- a Philadelphia bedroom community that is the economic hub of South Jersey.
On June 19, to celebrate "LGBT Pride Month" the Cherry Hill Public Library plans to host a "Drag Queen Story Time."
Yes, this is a storybook hour for kids, who will be read to by drag queens in full regalia.
Cherry Hill's "outreach librarian" explains it this way: “We want to create an atmosphere where children can learn they don’t have to feel afraid, or threatened by, people who look different from them.”
And to those who might be concerned about such a program, the library's director of special events quips: "It’s just kids getting together with someone who’s dressed up."
Someone who's dressed up? Like Halloween? Is that what you're comparing it to?
Where to begin?
First, the whole idea of drag queens is infinitely (and needlessly) confusing to children. Introducing the notion cross-dressing or transvestitism or gender identity to little children is absurd. Children need to be children. Childhood is precious!
Second, this is obviously part of a socio-political agenda, no matter how it's packaged or how many sweet nothings its promoters may proclaim as they attempt to make it all sound completely harmless.
Finally, one must ask: Would the library host a children's event promoting American exceptionalism? Would it host an event explaining the inherent value of life from the moment of conception? What about an event on responsible hunting and the safe use of firearms? How about one on America's Christian heritage?
We think you know the answer to those questions.
Amelia Hamilton, the noted author of children's books on America which stress shared values and patriotism suggests the real motive here when she asks: "Why teach children facts when they can learn left-wing talking points instead?"
Why, indeed?
If you want your voice to be heard on this, we suggest you contact Laverne Mann,  Library Director at 856-903-1201 or

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