Monday, July 10, 2017

Could This Be The Start Of Something Really BIG?

Pennsylvania State Senator and Gubernatorial candidate Scott Wagner today kicked off a statewide listening tour in York, PA in front of a large crowd of supporters.

"It is clear that Governor Wolf is not listening to his constituents," stated Wagner about the purpose of his tour across the state. "Tom Wolf and his ivy-league buddies like to cook up policies like his massive tax increases, but they never even think about how these things impact real people. I am going around the state talking to voters about how they want state government to function because I am going to Harrisburg to represent them rather than special interests like those that Governor Wolf is beholden to."

The tour kicks off with a day in central Pennsylvania, and over the course of July and August will visit locations all across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

"This is the kind of business owner that I am, and it's the kind of Governor that I will be," continued Wagner. "I believe in management by walking around because the only way to know what is happening is by going out and talking to people. I am excited to get on the road and talk to as many voters as possible, and I am excited about being the next Governor so I can take their concerns to Harrisburg and do something about them."

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