Thursday, July 27, 2017

'For All Who Support Troops, Value Defense'

Here is a special message from Eagle Forum:

Eagle Forum applauds President Trump’s wise move announced today to restrict transgender persons from the American military.

The politically correct mandate previously imposed on the military by the Obama administration was harmful to readiness and a significant drain on limited military funds. It was to use taxpayer dollars to pay for expensive “gender-reassignment” surgery and life-long hormone therapy for persons suffering from gender-dysphoria — a psychological condition involving confusion about gender identity. Leaders of the Army, Air Force and Marine Corps had initially asked for a two year delay in implementation of the Obama mandate.

President Trump’s action protects America’s military personnel from the imposition of an irrational social experiment that would have taken time and money from the primary assignment of the military — to protect our nation from aggressors. It is a boost to the morale not only of the military but to all Americans who support our troops and value national defense.

Eunie Smith

Eunie Smith
Eagle Forum President

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