Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Well, Don't Say They Never Warned You . . .

From our friends at Save Jersey:
Law enforcement unions in New Jersey haven’t been big fans of the Christie Administration which, most recently, shot down a controversial plan to give police and fire unions direct control of their pension programs.
But former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerick took to Facebook late Tuesday night and warned the police community that things could get “ten times worse” if Phil Murphy (D-Goldman Sachs) and his newly anointed lieutenant governor selection Sheila Oliver get themselves elected:
Kerik did not elaborate on his specific concerns; New Jersey’s police and firefighter unions have already backed the Democrat nominee.
The Newark, New Jersey native went from being George W. Bush’s Homeland Security Secretary nominee in 2004 to a federal prisoner in 2010,  having plead guilty to 8 charges including tax fraud and false statements. An epic fall from grace and approximately 3 1/2 years in prison turned him into a crusader for criminal justice reform.
There’s no denying the Democrat Party’s decidedly anti-police tilt in the “black lives matter” era; this year’s N.J. Democrat gubernatorial primary field consistently expressed solitary with the notorious anti-police organization.
Phil Murphy’s official campaign website criticizes the criminal justice system for “disproportionately target[ing] communities of color.
Oliver, a former Democrat Assembly speaker, nevertheless drew the ire of BLM in recent months for proposing legislation to mandate teaching school-age children how to interact with police.

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