Thursday, August 3, 2017

You Cannot Ignore The Simple Facts Of The Matter!

On Wednesday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average reached an all-time high of over 22,000, up over 4,000 points since the election. Under the Trump Administration, consumer confidence is soaring. Strong job growth and GDP growth have caused the unemployment rate to dwindle to 4.4%.

American businesses and consumers have good reason to be optimistic. President Trump’s mandate that two regulations be slashed for every regulation signed is a simple way to reduce the job-killing rules of the Obama-era. The President’s “Buy American and Hire American” Executive Order defends American industry from unfair and abusive competition, and protects American workers by reforming America’s exploited visa system. The President’s plan to lower the United States’ astronomical corporate-tax rate will allow American businesses to grow.

This economic growth is a reflection of the pro-jobs and pro-business policies pursued by President Donald Trump and his Administration. The President has provided a boom to American industry by utilizing America’s vast energy resources. His approval of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines will create an estimated 42,000 jobs and $2 billion in earnings.

Once again, American businesses are confident in the future of American industry. Foxconn has invested more than $10 billion in a new facility in Southern Wisconsin, which will create more than 3,000 jobs. Additionally, Merck and Pfizer are working together with Corning to return pharmaceutical glass manufacturing to the United States, investing more than $4 billion and creating more than 3,000 high tech jobs for American workers.

President Trump is ensuring that American companies can compete on a level playing field. The President has withdrawn the United States from the job-killing Trans-Pacific Partnership and has begun the process of renegotiating NAFTA. The President has also moved to withdraw the United States from the Paris Climate Accord, which put American businesses at a profound disadvantage and could have cost the United States’ nearly $3 trillion and 6.5 million jobs.

After years of job-killing regulation and anti-business policies, President Trump and his Administration have steered the American economy back on track.

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