Wednesday, September 20, 2017

A Stunning Array Of Well-Deserved Honors!

The 2017 PHS Philadelphia Flower Show, “Holland: Flowering the World,” won the Grand Pinnacle Gold award for the best overall event in the world from the International Festivals & Events Association at ceremonies held Sept. 14 in Tuscon, Ariz.
This marks the second time in four years that the Philadelphia Flower Show received the top prize in the worldwide competition.
The Flower Show, which is produced by the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society, won a record 21 IFEA/Haas & Wilkerson Pinnacle Awards in this year’s competition, which includes entries from the Kentucky Derby Festival, Indianapolis 500 Festival, the Fiesta Bowl in Scottsdale, Ariz., and events in China, Australia, Ireland, the Netherlands, Mexico, and South Korea. “This is an amazing honor for the Flower Show, and it is shared by our entire staff, the talented exhibitors, vendors, sponsors and partners, and the dedicated community of 3,500 volunteers who work in every capacity to make the show happen,” said PHS President Matt Rader.
“We are also grateful to the quarter-million visitors whose ticket purchases support our year-round greening work, which creates more beautiful, healthy and sustainable communities.” The Philadelphia Flower Show was recognized with Pinnacle Awards in a variety of presentation, programming and promotional categories at the IFEA awards held during the association’s convention and expo. In addition to the Grand Pinnacle, the awards for the Flower Show were earned in the following categories:
• Best Event to Benefit a Cause -- Gold
• Best Full-Length TV Program -- Gold
• Best On-Site Décor -- Gold • Best Single New Sponsorship Opportunity -- Gold
• Best Promotional Photograph -- Gold
• Best Outdoor Billboard -- Gold
• Best Merchandising Program -- Gold
• Best Community Outreach Program -- Silver
• Best Sponsor Partner -- Silver • Best TV Promotion -- Silver
• Best Miscellaneous Clothing -- Silver
• Most Creative News Stunt – Silver
• Best Volunteer Program -- Bronze
• Best Educational Program -- Bronze
• Best Children’s Programming -- Bronze
• Best Newspaper Supplement -- Bronze • Best Event Invitation – Bronze
• Best Program for Individual Sponsor – Bronze
• Best Event Within an Existing Festival – Bronze
• Best Money-Making Idea – Bronze
The Pinnacle entries include programs, merchandise, print and broadcast ads, posters and graphics, websites and apps, and many other categories.
 The Philadelphia Flower Show also was chosen this year by the American Bus Association as one of the “Best of the Best” events in the nation for group visits and was featured in Destinations magazine. The 2018 Philadelphia Flower Show, “Wonders of Water,” also will be an extraordinary attraction for tour groups, families, and anyone who enjoys gardening and flowers. Tickets are now on sale for the 2018 Flower Show on March 3 to 11, 2018, at the Pennsylvania Convention Center. For tickets and other information about the Philadelphia Flower Show, visit

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