Saturday, September 9, 2017

Choosing A College? Here's Where To Start!

Here is a very special message from the Cardinal Newman Society:

As editor of The Newman Guide, parents often ask me for advice on how they can help their son or daughter find the right college for them.

One suggestion is to keep up with news about colleges, like our “Report Card” column below.

Also, I point them to our magazine that helps with navigating the Catholic college search, My Future, My Faith, which is available for free onlinehere.

It’s jam-packed full of articles that look at the big picture – what is college all about? Why could choosing a faithful Catholic college be valuable? Here are some direct links: 

In addition to looking at the “big picture,” we also explore more practical considerations in My Future, My Faith, such as these:
Choosing the right college is so very important! As Father C. John McCloskey says in the “Fidelity Matters” article linked above:
Given what is at stake, the choice of a college for one’s child should be an overriding concern of any Catholic parent. The university is usually the last place to form the pre-adult Catholic. The important transition between the teen years and young adulthood should be one from dependence to responsible independence in all areas of one’s life, most especially the moral and the spiritual.

Character formation, built upon the natural law and perfected with grace, will determine the question of happiness or unhappiness both in this life and the next. There also is the financial question. The large sum—sometimes exceeding $150,000—shelled out for college expenses could easily be invested elsewhere for the real benefit of the Church, society or one’s family. Prudence calls for serious deliberation.
Can I ask you a favor? Can you share this email with your family and friends who are beginning the college search?

Thank you so much and God bless,

 Kelly Salomon
 Editor of The Newman Guide

P.S. On this feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, please join with us in praying for the safety of all in the path of Hurricane Irma, including our friends at Ave Maria University and throughout Florida. And please continue to keep in your prayers and consider supporting all those recovering from the devastation of Harvey, including those at the University of St. Thomas in Houston.

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