Friday, September 1, 2017

The More We See It The More Incredible It Seems!

It's truly laughable.
But it's also instructive, sad and, in a freakish way, unsurprising. And, it's very reflective of the world we live in and the society that surrounds us.
In fact, it's ridiculous, preposterous and disheartening all at once.
Look at these photos.
Look at them!
You're looking at the writer for Vogue magazine who reportedly lambasted Melania for wearing high heels to visit Texas flood victims. Only problem is, Melania didn't wear heels. On Air Force One (on the way to the event) she changed into a slacks and sneakers along with a baseball-style cap that said FLOTUS.
But just look at Lynn Yeager (above) the writer who criticized Melania's fashion sense. Maybe you need another photo.

Can you imagine this?
Can you imagine this woman criticizing anybody's sense of fashion or style or dress or whatever?
Can you? We didn't think so.
Now, just look at both of them side-by side as we rest our case.

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