Wednesday, September 6, 2017

There May Still Be Hope . . . IF You Act Now!

Here is a very special message from Americans for Prosperity:

New Jersey is experiencing the worst pension crisis in the nation.

With the first public pension fund set to go broke in 2021, the gap in funding would cost $26,000 per resident to bail it out. Without commonsense reforms, taxpayers will be footing an even bigger bill.

The first two reforms are simple:

1. End “Double-Dipping”

Too many government employees are collecting a salary and a pension at the same time. By ending “double-dipping,” New Jersey can save millions. 

2. Cut Wasteful Spending

New Jersey already spends and taxes too much. Instead of raising taxes to fund our pension system, we should cut wasteful government spending.

The current system is unsustainable and puts future retirees at risk.

That’s why we need your help. 
Sign the citizen pledge to safeguard New Jersey’s future today

For Freedom,
Erica Jedynak
State Director
Americans for Prosperity Foundation-New Jersey

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