Tuesday, September 26, 2017

VERY God News For Him; Bad News For Them . . .

OK, so now a nationally-respected research group has released up-to-the-minute poll results that show nearly two out of every three voters support President Trump's stance on the NFL flag dispute and, they are now less likely to watch NFL games.

Good news for President Trump. NOT good news for the NFL:

Here's how it goes:
Q: Last week, Donald Trump said NFL players should stand and be respectful during the national anthem. Do you think NFL players should stand and be respectful during the national anthem?
Yes: 64%
No: 25%
Unsure: 11%

Q: On Sunday, a number of NFL players knelt during the national anthem in protest of Donald Trump’s statements, including players from your favorite team. Does this make you more likely or less likely to watch your favorite team’s games in the future?
More likely: 30%
Less likely: 50%
No difference: 20%

Finally, the poll results show that President Trump is way, way more popular than Roger Goodell and significantly more popular than the NFL. Goodell only scores a 12% approval rating and the NFL barely gets the approval of one out of three respondents. Trump easily outdistances both of them.

And, get this: More than half say they are watching LESS football now and nearly 70% say it's because players are using the NFL as a stage for their political views.

Click here for more!

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