Saturday, September 9, 2017

Will He Be The REAL Conservative We Need?

Now that Congressman Charlie Dent of Pennsylvania has announced that he will not seek re-eletion, the race is on for a replacement; a real conservative who will represent conservative values, so State Rep. Ryan Mackenzie released the following statement announcing his candidacy for U.S. Congress (PA-15):

With the support of my community, family, and friends, I am running for Congress to be our voice in Washington.

Our nation works best when Americans are in the driver’s seat. Our government has grown so big, unwieldy and directionless that it is holding us back from achieving the prosperity we all know is within our reach.

As our Congressman, I will focus on commonsense solutions that put our priorities first.

We need an immigration system that secures our borders, raises wages, and keeps America as President Reagan’s famed shining city on a hill.

We need tax relief that unleashes American workers to reach our full potential while ensuring families keep more of their hard earned money.

We need a foreign policy that is clear, resolute, and remains focused on our interests.

It has been an honor to work hard for the communities within the 134th State House District. I look forward to earning the trust and confidence of the residents within Pennsylvania’s 15th Congressional District.

Our Congressional District is nearly 100 miles long. It spans proud cities like Allentown and Bethlehem that built our country, diligent farming communities like those in Berks and Lebanon Counties that sustain our nation, and, places like Hershey that show what American entrepreneurship can build.

As our voice in Washington, I will take our values to the nation’s capital to put our country back on the right track.

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