Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Eminently Worthy Honoree, Long Overdue Moment!

On Monday, President Donald J. Trump awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor to Captain Gary Michael “Mike” Rose (retired). Rose, a United States Army Captain, received the highest military honor for conspicuous gallantry during the Vietnam War, where he risked his life to administer lifesaving aid to his comrades in spite of severe injury and enemy fire. From September 11 through September 14, 1970, while his unit was engaged with a much larger force deep in enemy-controlled territory, then-Sergeant Rose repeatedly ran into the line of enemy fire to provide critical medical aid to his comrades, using his own body on one occasion to shield a wounded American from harm.

On the final day of the mission, although wounded himself, Sergeant Rose voluntarily exposed himself to enemy fire while moving wounded personnel to the extraction point, loading them into helicopters, and helping to repel an enemy assault on the American position. As he boarded the final extraction helicopter, intense enemy fire hit the helicopter, causing it to crash shortly after takeoff. Again, ignoring his own injuries, Sergeant Rose pulled the helicopter crew and members of his unit from the burning wreckage and provided medical aid until another extraction helicopter arrived.

“[Y]our will to endure, your love for your fellow soldier, your devotion to your country inspires us all,” the President said. “Nations are formed out of the strength and patriotism that lives in the hearts of our heroes.”

Read more here.

President Donald J. Trump presents the Medal of Honor to Retired U.S. Army Captain Gary M. Rose | October 23, 2017 (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)

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