Monday, October 2, 2017

How Should You Be Feeling Right Now?

Our friend, Matt Rooney of the Save Jersey blog has offered this wise observation in the wake of the horrific Las Vegas mass murder:

Yes, the world can be a scary place. 
Always has been, always will be. 
But if you look at the actual numbers (not just the manipulative headlines), 2016 was a record year for peace and prosperity around the globe. There's never been a better time to be alive. 
That doesn't mean ugly things won't continue to happen from time to time, of course, and there will always be politicians/yellow journalists to take advantage of the suffering for selfish reasons. 
What should matter most when the worst happens is (1) compassion and (2) perspective. 
People are hurting; they don't need your virtue-signaling, poorly-informed sermon right now, AND because freedom is the catalyst of all human progress. 
If you allow scary things to deprive you of your liberty? The clock will turn back. Don't let it. 
We've come too far, folks.

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