Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Pay Attention: This Is A VERY Big Decision . . .

New Jersey's gubernatorial election is just a few weeks away.

The next Governor of New Jersey will make critical decisions about the future of the state -- decisions that will impact your quality of life; decisions that may cost you major bucks; decisions that could drive more taxpayers and businesses away from our state.

Here, from the Kim Gudagno campaign, are some important facts and points that you need to remember:

NOTE: Tune in to the final gubernatorial debate at 7pm tonight. It will air on TV live on CBS or online by clicking here

Top Messages:

  • After a strong debate performance last week, our campaign has the momentum leading in to the final debate. 
  • Our campaign released a new ad, “Sanctuary,” highlighting Phil Murphy in his own words calling for NJ to become a sanctuary state, which would only protect violent criminals and MS-13 gang members.
  • Carlos Rendo defended the ad in his debate Monday night, saying that we shouldn’t protect criminals over the law abiding citizens of New Jersey.
  • Kim Guadagno challenged Phil Murphy to two additional debates, but he rejected our challenge.
  • During the first gubernatorial debate, Phil Murphy said he had a ‘very credible plan’ to fund the pensions, but he wouldn’t tell us what it is. Kim Guadagno called on Phil Murphy to release his secret pension plan before the final debate.
  • The Asbury Park Press also called out Phil Murphy for having no plan on property taxes. Will he remain silent tonight?

Read this:

  • Politico NJ: “Hispanic pastors say they didn't give permission to use their names on anti-Guadagno release” Read It
  • New York Post: “Will Jersey voters fall for happy fantasies?” Read It
  • Fox News: “New Jersey governor’s race: Dems' effort to tie GOP candidate to Christie could backfire” Read It
  • APP: Will Phil Murphy stay silent on property taxes in final NJ governor debate? Read It

Watch This:

  • “Sanctuary” Ad Watch It 
  • Kim Guadagno discusses Phil Murphy’s dangerous plan for a sanctuary state on Fox and Friends. Watch It
  • “Murphy’s Law” Ad Watch It
  • First gubernatorial debate on ABC Watch It
  • Lieutenant Governor Debate on NJTV Watch It
  • Murphy-Oliver "don't think it's time to commit" to deal to bring Amazon, 50,000 jobs to New Jersey Watch It

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