Sunday, October 15, 2017

THIS Connection Is Just Too SCARY To Ignore!

What Phil Murphy says:
“As governor, I will never put politics ahead of women's health and equality.”
Phil Murphy

What reportedly happened:

Phil Murphy Partnered With Hollywood Serial-Predator Harvey Weinstein To Raise Big Money

Connections Include Recent “Top-Secret” Meeting In Weinstein’s Manhattan Office To Boost Murphy’s Campaign Fundraising.

“As the Democratic Party’s top fundraiser, Phil Murphy partnered with Hollywood serial predator Harvey Weinstein to raise big money for President Obama, Democrats and the DNC.
"In turn, he was awarded with a plush appointment as an ambassador to Germany.
"He even turned to Weinstein in secret a few weeks ago to help fund his campaign for New Jersey Governor. Murphy claims to have the backs of women in New Jersey, but his silence in the face of sexual harassment allegations against his friend Weinstein shows that with Phil Murphy, it’s all about the money.”
– Dave Huguenel, Guadagno Campaign Manager

From 2006-2009, Murphy served as finance chair for the Democratic National Committee, the Democratic Party's top finance job, under Howard Dean. (Source)
  • Murphy had a “top-secret” meeting with Hollywood Serial Predator Harvey Weinstein in August, weeks before bombshell abuse and harassment allegations were detailed against Weinstein by the New York Times. (PageSix, 8/24/2017)
  • “Harvey Weinstein Paid Off Sexual Harassment Accusers for Decades” (The New York Times, 10/5/2017)
  • “Harvey Weinstein had a top-secret meeting on Thursday, sources said, with Phil Murphy — the Democratic favorite to succeed New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.” (PageSix, 8/24/2017)
  • The meeting occurred “in Tribeca at the Greenwich Street offices that house De Niro and Weinstein’s film companies.” (PageSix, 8/24/2017)
  • The meeting was to discuss “an endorsement and fundraising help” from Weinstein for Murphy’s gubernatorial campaign. (PageSix, 8/24/2017)
The Democratic National Committee (DNC) still hasn’t returned or donated all of Hollywood Serial-Predator Harvey Weinstein’s donations.

“DNC Manages to Screw Up Returning Harvey Weinstein Donations”(Observer, 10/9/2017)

"The RNC cited that Weinstein has given around $300,000 to the DNC, and over $1.2 million to Democratic politicians and political groups over the last three decades." (Observer, 10/9/2017)

"The DNC, however, opted to donate only $30,000 of the money they received from Weinstein." (Observer, 10/9/2017)

"Additionally, the organization will be donating to other political groups instead of charities.” (Observer, 10/9/2017)

“By donating only 10 percent of their donations to political organizations, Democrats are doing the least amount possible. The DNC is also avoiding directly denouncing Weinstein and trying to convert the scandal into an attack on Republicans by touting a “have you seen the other guys?” defense.” (Observer, 10/9/2017)

Phil Murphy claims to have the back of women in New Jersey, but he has not publicly condemned Weinstein, nor demanded the DNC return all of the Weinstein money (Twitter, Accessed 10/10/2017)

  • The DNC has accepted around $300,000 from Hollywood Serial-Predator Harvey Weinstein, including thousands when Murphy served as finance chair.

On November 3, 2016, Weinstein Gave $5,032 To The DNC. (Center For Responsive Politics , Accessed 10/5/17)

On June 20, 2016, Weinstein Gave $25,858 To The DNC. (Center For Responsive Politics , Accessed 10/5/17)

On June 2, 2014, Weinstein Gave $32,400 To The DNC. (Center For Responsive Politics , Accessed 10/5/17)

On January 29, 2012, Weinstein Gave $25,800 To The DNC. (Center For Responsive Politics , Accessed 10/5/17)

On January 18, 2012, Weinstein Gave $5,000 To The DNC. (Center For Responsive Politics , Accessed 10/5/17)

On August 5, 2011, Weinstein Gave $30,800 To The DNC. (Center For Responsive Politics , Accessed 10/5/17)

On July 21, 2010, Weinstein Gave $30,400 To The DNC. (Center For Responsive Politics , Accessed 10/5/17)

On June 30, 2008, Weinstein Gave $18,500 To The DNC. (Center For Responsive Politics , Accessed 10/5/17)

On February 19, 2008, Weinstein Gave $10,000 To The DNC. (Center For Responsive Politics , Accessed 10/5/17)

On September 14, 2004, Weinstein Gave $500 To The DNC. (Center For Responsive Politics , Accessed 10/5/17)

On July 24, 2004, Weinstein Gave $25,000 To The DNC. (Center For Responsive Politics , Accessed 10/5/17)

On September 30, 2003, Weinstein Gave $25,000 To The DNC. (Center For Responsive Politics , Accessed 10/5/17)

On November 4, 2002 Weinstein Gave $50,000 To The DNC. (Center For Responsive Politics , Accessed 10/5/17)

On August 23, 1996, Weinstein Gave $10,000 To The DNC. (Center For Responsive Politics , Accessed 10/5/17)

On February 14, 1994, Weinstein Gave $2,000 To The DNC. (Center For Responsive Politics , Accessed 10/5/17

Murphy was a top donor to former President Barack Obama, who rewarded Murphy with an Ambassadorship (Vox, 6/6/2017)
"Weinstein was a bundler for Obama as well." (CNN, 10/10/2017)

Murphy was “among the top fundraisers for former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.” (The Star Ledger, 8/12/2016)
Weinstein "was a bundler for Clinton's 2016 effort, including at a star-studded fundraiser for Clinton in June 2016 at Weinstein's Manhattan home. Clinton personally headlined multiple fundraisers Weinstein was involved in organizing during the campaign." (CNN, 10/10/2017)

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