Saturday, October 14, 2017

Would You Want YOUR Family In THIS Atmosphere?

This happened at the Carolina vs Philly Eagles game this past week. A 62-year-old fan was sucker punched by a young thug who appears to have been encouraged by an antagonistic female. Thank goodness, the young aggressor was reportedly arrested.
But, we ask you again: Would you REALLY want to put your family in THIS atmosphere? Is THIS something you want to share with your kids?
Sadly, this happens all too frequently in the stands at NFL games. In Philly, it became such a problem that at one point, they actually had to set up a court (complete with a local judge) inside the stadium to process all the alleged crimes and misdeeds.
This is just another reason why people are staying away from NFL games in droves.
And we haven't even touched upon the raucous scenes in the parking lots -- the drinking, endless carousing and public urination. See below.

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