Wednesday, November 22, 2017

A Beautiful, Poignant Thanksgiving Memory . . .

A classmate from Camden NJ's Woodrow Wilson High School shares this poignant Thanksgiving memory:

Thanksgiving brings back many different memories as the day goes on. The smells remind me of my mom’s kitchen and her great food....watching a football game takes me back to the Woodrow Wilson / Camden games....but the taste of turkey takes me back to another place.
Thanksgiving 1969, I was a young sergeant in Viet Nam......We were told we would have the day off, and at lunch we would have our Thanksgiving Feast......Well as sometimes happens the Army decided some Engineers needed security to finish a job ( God only knows why it couldn’t wait a day ) and my platoon was selected to secure them
We packed up our gear to include C-Rations for lunch.....yes...ground turkey in a can....
We got to the engineers, secured them, it was safe, the kids and sandwich ladies were there so we knew it would be an easy day.
At lunch time we broke out the C’s and when the engineers noticed they stopped us, they said HOT TURKEY was on the way....a chopper came in and unloaded....they had serving tables, with table cloths and all this food, Turkey, Stuffing, Sweet and Mashed Potatoes, Pies...everything......We ate off of metal trays, there was so much the kids and ladies ate with us and they even took left overs home......
When I taste my turkey today, it will take me back....sitting in a field, on the ground, with my brothers eating and enjoying the day.....a day I will never forget....I wish all my brothers a Happy Thanksgiving, I hope they remember that day also, so they will think of us......and to you all, be thankful and grateful for all we have......especially our families.....

H/T: Joe Evangelista

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