Monday, November 6, 2017

Battling Onward On All Fronts In the Stretch!

New Jersey’s most popular former living governor hit the trail this weekend for Kim Guadagno, Save Jerseyans, and Governor Tom Kean Sr. offered a full-throated endorsement of the LG’s central waste-cutting idea.
“Don’t tell me government can’t be cut because I did it…,” the elder Kean declared, referring to his own success at auditing New Jersey’s state government back in the 1980s. “She is going to save the taxpayers money. She’s going to put the money towards cutting our property taxes, which we need like crazy. She’s going to get that done.”
Kean’s audit identified $100 million in savings.
Guadagno has pledged a similar effort, tapping her own running mate, Mayor Carlos Rendo, to lead the effort should they win on Tuesday.
Her Democrat opponent Phil Murphy has made promises totaling roughly $75 billion in new spending.

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