Thursday, November 2, 2017

Does It 'Cave To Rhetoric' Or Is It A Win/Win?

Today, Club for Growth President David McIntosh issued the following statement upon the release of the House Republican tax reform:

“Few things in Washington have the potential to unleash economic growth and job creation like the prospects of a pro-growth tax plan,” stated Club for Growth President David McIntosh.

“There are lots of components to praise in the House’s tax legislation, like immediate expensing for businesses and cutting the corporate tax rate. But there are other things that were added at the last minute that will require further analysis and improvement. For example, the bill does not do enough for small businesses, and by restoring the 39.6 percent tax rate on some taxpayers, the legislation effectively punishes success and caves to the Democrats’ class warfare rhetoric.

“Fortunately, the Senate will have an opportunity to improve upon the shortcomings in the House bill. Club for Growth is eager to continue working with Congress to implement the most pro-growth tax plan in our nation’s history.”

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