Tuesday, November 14, 2017

'Failed Policies, Lack Of Leadership,' Must End!

Pennsylvania gubernatorial candidate Scott Wagner today released a letter of support he received from influential Republican leaders across the commonwealth.

In part, the letter, which notes Wolf’s failed policy and lack of leadership, reads, "When we look at a ticket with Scott Wagner for Governor and Jeff Bartos for Lieutenant Governor, we see two conservative outsiders with over 60 years of combined business expertise...the team to win in November of 2018...and ensure our Commonwealth reaches its full potential.”

Wagner, who has vigorously criticized Governor Tom Wolf for what he calls “gross spending and mismanagement” said, “We are very pleased to receive this support, because it reinforces how critical it is that Pennsylvania have leadership that actually knows how to build business, manage assets, compete, and win. Governor Wolf has only demonstrated he knows how to spend taxpayer money. His handy work has left Pennsylvania broke, ranked at the bottom, and people hurting.”

When it comes to national rankings, it’s true Pennsylvania trends near the bottom. In July of 2017, 24/7 Wall St. ranked Pennsylvania as the 9th worst run state in the nation. Wagner added that Pennsylvania is ranked even lower when it comes to jobs, growth and tax friendliness, saying “Governor Wolf only sees taxpayers’ wallets. He doesn’t see how what he’s doing impacts real people. I do, and I see a tremendous opportunity to apply what I know about building business and winning -- to make Pennsylvania the comeback state, a winner for its people.”

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