Monday, November 27, 2017

It's Taken A Big Hit But Obsessions Are Tough To Kick

It's been estimated that the NFL has lost a staggering half billion dollars in huge ratings and attendance declines since the whole "taking a knee" controversy started. That's $500,000,000 in lost revenue!
This whole thing is a reminder of just how emotional Americans are about their flag and those who serve it and just how big an impact all this can make when it's focused and determined.
But our national love affair (some might better term it an addiction) with professional sports cannot be discounted and the obsession with football has been around for a long time.
As the Dan Cirucci Blog celebrates its 10th anniversary, here's something we wrote almost 10 years ago to the day:
Saturday night's game between the Patriots and the Giants was broadcast on three TV networks: CBS, NBC and the cable NFL network.
One game. Three networks.
So, let me get this straight: networks balk at covering almost any portion of the major political conventions but three networks show the same football game -- the entire game.
If you ever doubted that professional sports is absolutely out of control in this country, count to three and doubt now more.

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