Friday, November 10, 2017

Not Just Symbolic, But Real Action For THEM!

President Trump is working on behalf of a grateful nation to ensure that our veterans are properly recognized for their service and sacrifice. The President is initiating critical reforms at the VA, modernizing and expanding choice to healthcare, and expanding opportunities for veterans. Read more about how President Trump is putting our veterans first here.

“We will not rest until all of America’s great veterans can receive the care they so richly deserve. Tremendous progress has been made in a short period of time.”
- President Donald J. Trump

President Trump Honors Veterans in Vietnam
This morning, in Da Nang, Vietnam, President Trump participated in a meet-and-greet with Vietnam War Veterans. The President expressed his gratitude for their service to the United States, and reaffirmed his commitment to honor the sacrifice of all Veterans and rebuild our military. After giving remarks, President Trump signed a proclamation to honor the veterans of the Vietnam War, part of an ongoing 13-year commemoration of their sacrifice for freedom.

“Our veterans are a national treasure, and I thank them all for their service, sacrifice, and patriotism. To each of you with me today, you are the heroes who fulfill your duty to our nation. And each of you, under the most difficult conditions, did what you had to do, and you did it well,” President Trump said.

Read the President's full remarks here.

Improving Services for American Vets
In honor of Veterans Day, Secretary of Veterans Affairs David Shulkin penned an op-ed in The Hill on recent developments in the Department of Veterans Affairs which will allow the department to provide services to veterans more effectively. These changes include improved internal accountability, same-day services for primary and mental health care, and an updated electronic health records system.

“This Veterans Day, we are redoubling our efforts to continue getting things done on behalf of those who have worn the uniform. Our veterans deserve no less,” Shulkin wrote.

Read the full op-ed here.

On the Way to Historic Tax Reform
Yesterday's passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act through the House Ways and Means Committee is an important step toward providing historic tax relief for the American people. President Trump remains committed to providing tax cuts for middle income families, a simplified tax code, and lower rates for American businesses. There is still much to do, but the Administration remains confident that, through continued cooperation with Congress, we are on the way to achieving these priorities this year.

Read more about tax reform here.

President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump at the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea | November 7, 2017 (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)


Tonight, President Trump will attend an APEC economic leaders meeting retreat in Da Nang, Vietnam, followed by a family photo and a working leaders luncheon. Later, the President will attend a second APEC economic leaders meeting retreat before departing Da Nang for Hanoi, Vietnam. After arriving in Hanoi, President Trump will attend a state banquet.


After concluding his visit to Vietnam, President Trump will travel to the Philippines, his last stop in Asia before returning to Washington, D.C. Tomorrow, Vice President Mike Pence will lead the annual Arlington National Cemetery Veterans Day ceremony.

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