Thursday, December 14, 2017

And THIS Is Certainly Well-Earned!

A message from the President of Villanova University:

In September, we lost our beloved, longtime dean of the College of Nursing, Dr. M. Louise Fitzpatrick. Dean Fitzpatrick was a vibrant leader who embodied the spirit of what it means to be a Villanova nurse. Her unwavering commitment to the greater good ensured our Augustinian Catholic tradition informed every aspect of the work of the College of Nursing. With almost 40 years of service to our community, Dean Fitzpatrick will be remembered as one of the most transformative leaders in Villanova’s history.

Such a distinguished career in nursing and a life dedicated to Villanova’s mission deserve special recognition. Therefore, I am pleased to announce that effective immediately, in honor of Dean Fitzpatrick, the College of Nursing will be named the M. Louise Fitzpatrick College of Nursing —the second named college at Villanova. As of today, more than $11 million in confirmed gifts and pledges have been made to the Fitzpatrick College of Nursing and will help establish an endowed fund in her name. Those alumni, parents, and friends inspired by this seminal occasion can contribute to the Dean M. Louise Fitzpatrick Fund, as we work together to both recognize the enduring legacy of Dean Fitzpatrick and secure a lasting financial future for the College.

As a pioneer in her field, the Dean worked tirelessly to transform the College of Nursing into a premier nursing program. She invested her personal and professional time in developing new partnerships, programs and initiatives that educated students in a forward-thinking way. Her vision for a Villanova nurse was realized as graduates of the College are able to meet the current and future health care needs of our country—and the world.

Generous and driven, she measured her own success through the accomplishments of others. She could always be seen beaming with pride at the achievements of her students and alumni. Dean Fitzpatrick loved the field of nursing, the College, and her students, setting the bar high for herself and for those around her. She placed great value on relationships and caring for others, and she wanted her students to go forward and ignite change as leaders at the forefront of modern health care.

I am grateful to those individuals who have already given because their lives were touched by Dean Fitzpatrick. I can think of no better way to honor her intellect, integrity and compassion, and all that she has done for the College of Nursing and for Villanova. Such generosity clearly reflects the importance of the Dean’s unparalleled leadership and extraordinary legacy that lives on through the Fitzpatrick College of Nursing.


Rev. Peter M. Donohue, OSA

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