Saturday, December 16, 2017

Must Reads? We Got 'Em Right Here!

On Thursday, President Donald J. Trump gave Americans an update on his deregulation agenda in the Roosevelt Room of the White House. The President explained that in his first 11 months in office, his Administration has “canceled or delayed over 1,500 planned regulatory actions, more than any previous president, by far.”
The Wall Street Journal 
The Department of Homeland Security is helping U.S. airports and airlines educate their staffs about how to identify victims of human trafficking—and how to alert authorities without tipping off traffickers. The Wall Street Journal’s extensive report shows that this push is part of a growing effort to thwart human trafficking crimes in the United States.
The Associated Press 
This week, First Lady Melania Trump visited a holiday toy drive sponsored by the U.S. Marine Corps to speak about the spirit of giving during the holiday season. The First Lady challenged Americans to continue pitching in beyond the Christmas holiday and into the new year, especially on behalf of those families affected by the recent hurricanes.
Washington Examiner
This week President Trump signed the 2018 National Defense Authorization Act, fulfilling his campaign promise of a “major military buildup.” The President also spoke about his “unwavering commitment to our men and women in uniform – the greatest fighting force in the history of the world.”
The Washington Times
This week, the Senate confirmed President Trump’s 19th federal judge, further boosting the ranks of conservatives throughout the judiciary. By this point in his term, President Obama had only succeeded in having 14 judges confirmed.
The Daily Caller
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement recently completed a five-day operation in New Jersey that resulted in the arrest of more than 100 foreign nationals for immigration violations. “Officials said 88 percent those arrested were convicted criminals and 80 percent of them had prior felony convictions for crimes including sexual assault of a minor,” The Daily Caller writes
The Washington Times 
More than 20 faith leaders came to the White House this week to present President Trump with “an award celebrating his support of religious communities and his historic move to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.”
Stephen Moore, a CNN economic analyst, writes about the ways that President Trump “seems to share JFK’s wisdom” when it comes to tax cuts. Moore explains that when tax cuts were enacted following President John F. Kennedy’s death, “America experienced one of the greatest periods of prosperity in our history."

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